Thursday, July 14, 2005

July Updates

Boy you are really missing something if you have not been coming to the summer concert series. It is every other thursday night and it has really brought nice energy to our little corner. It does stink when they shut the fountain off for it - but it is at night anyway.

Take advantage of July specials these last few days of the month - Things will soon change with August and September. No telling if you will see that special you have been meaning to take advantage of. (preposition apology)

We made some really classy stuff in the adult clay class. If we have six people minimum in September I will do another class - then nothing until after Christmas.

If you would like to take a pottery glaze class look for that in September,too.

Miss Taylor and the kids in the summer art camp are having a great time. I came in one day and found them in a tent playing the drums before making clay pots - makes me want to be a kid again. Nice work guys.

Well make sure to read the information below about LATE NIGHT POTTERY DELIGHT - see you at the Pot.....Colleen


Here it comes again - don't miss it... We are open til midnight on Saturday July 30. This is a blast - we have chocolate and prizes - how can you beat that - well with a deal on the paint fee of course....
You can paint from 7:00 pm until midnight for $6.
Bring any food or drink you like to sustain you through this painting marathon. This will be a great opportunity for me to play the Elvis channel on my satellite radio again - huh guys??!!
The prizes will be a random drawing from those present hourly.